

Kayseri Underground Bazaar Prefers Carrier VRF
The air conditioning of the huge Underground Bazaar, located under Kayseri Cumhuriyet Square, is from Carrier. Kayseri Underground Bazaar consists of small-scale stores such as clothing, shoes, money changers, electronic goods, souvenirs and mobile phones.


NATA VEGA AVM's Choice Is Alarko Carrier
Nata Holding preferred Carrier high-efficiency 30XB series screw compressor air-cooled chillers and Carrier/Automated Logic brand building management system for the "Vega AVM Subahouses" project, named after Vega, a star brighter than the sun.


Kayseri Mobilyakent's Choice Alarko Carrier
Turkey's largest shopping mall, Kayseri Mobilyakent, preferred Alarko Carrier's high-efficiency 19XR centrifugal compressor water-cooled chiller and Carrier/Automated Logic brand building management system.

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